Making Hamantashen with Nana & Poppy. Jordana and Joslyn on Courtland Ave
Jordana at 2 years old on her birthday September 27 1987
Joslyn at 1 year old and Joelle newborn.
Joelle just born. October 26, 1987
Nanook playing with Jordana
Jordana & Joslyn giving kisses. Dad, Mindi.
Swimming @ Bander's with Dad, Uncle Al, Jamie, Dara, Aunt Lil, Uncle Meyer, Sheri, Bob, Pam, Phyllis Fruchtman, Nanook
Dad swimming with Jamie, Dara, Sheri, Pam
Joslyn at 1 year old. Mindi, Pam. Cards with Dad, Uncle Art, Uncle Meyer, Aunt Lil
Dance show with one of the girls
Swimming with Poppy, Jamie, Dara (newborn), Sheri, Bob
Dinner at Bander's with Jamie, Jordana, Dara, Joslyn